Don’t let AI take your job

Automation Coach gives you AI video tutorials and a community. Protect your career, start learning today.

For Sales, Marketing, & HR.



AI training videos

Go from beginner to expert with Automation Coach training videos and online course. Learn how to use the latest AI tools and workflows. Become an AI expert in your company and protect your career.



Automation blueprints and workflows

Get automation blueprints to make AI do the work for you. Develop an automation-first mindset and become central to your organisation. Master AI get new job opportunities.



Learn from your peers

Stay ahead with the Automation Coach community. We share our problems and help each other. Keep on top of the latest AI developments and discover fun new ways to automate your work, life, and business.

Open to beginners

Don’t get left behind

Automation Coach is open to all levels. Whether you’ve never heard of ChatGPT or creating full-stack automations, join today to fully master AI.


Be the automator not the automated.


It took just four months for ChatGPT, an AI tool, to make a whole team redundant at my company. Content creators and SEO experts were the first to go. Marketers, sales, and HR were next.

ChatGPT could do the role of seven full-time employees for £120 per month. That was a 995% cost-saving. The company would have been stupid not to.

To survive, I had to become the automator, or risk being automated. I began to watch hours of tutorial videos every day. I created AI systems to boost my productivity 15x and increased results. I positioned myself as the AI expert.

Management turned to me and said, automate everything. That meant, automate everyone.

When they come for your job you won’t be told you’re being made redundant because of AI. They’ll say something else like “restructuring”, “cost-cutting”, or other BS. The truth is AI has taken your job. And someone like me did it. Sorry.

Survivors will be those that learn how to master AI. I created Automation Coach to help you protect your career. I keep myself anonymous because I’m still working at my job and this way, I can tell you the truth from the inside.

Learn from the very basics to expert workflows that can replicate the work of an entire team. Don’t lose your job to a robot. Join Automation Coach now and thrive in the new AI world.


Training videos


Automation blueprints


Collaborative community

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FAQs for Automation Coach

What is Automation Coach?

Automation Coach is a premium online course and community that teaches you how to master AI to protect your career.

How does it work?

You get training videos on the latest AI tools. You learn how to apply them to your job so you can boost productivity, become the AI master in your company, and protect your career by becoming central to the organisation.

What is the community?

Members can share any problem and we work together to solve it. Collaborate with like-minded people to master automation.

Do I need to be techy? Or to code?

No. Automation Coach relies on no-code solutions. You’ll need a problem-solving mindset to apply the training videos and blueprints to the specifics of your job.

Automation Coach Logo

How can Automation Coach help you?

I am here to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

Are you in Sales, Marketing, or HR?

You are most at risk of being made redundant due to AI. This is the current primary focus of Automation Coach.


Learn to automate sales with AI: client research, personalised emails, handling replies, CRMs, booking calls, even the calls themselves. It can all be done with AI. Don’t lose your job to AI, become the master of it now!


Learn to automate HR with AI: Streamline recruitment, screen resumes, send personalised follow-up emails, automate employee onboarding, handle routine employee inquiries, manage performance reviews, and track employee satisfaction. Yes, it can all be done with AI. Do you want to be replaced by technology or in charge of it?


Learn to automate marketing with AI: content creation, social media scheduling, personalised email campaigns, audience segmentation, SEO optimisation, lead generation, analytics reporting, and even ad targeting. If you’re doing any of this manually, you’re at risk of losing your job. Be the automator, not the automated.

Are you ready to learn AI?